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Moosomin to Regina Bus By Rider Express


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Bus from Moosomin to Regina

Rider Express Bus From Moosomin To Regina
This trip is operating by Rider Express.
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Available Bus/Vehicle Schedules From Moosomin To Regina

NameRider Express Bus From Moosomin To Regina (151)
Departure Time03:01 am
Arrival Time05:35 am
Price (Starting From)47.61 CAD (price is valid until 2025-11-02)
Origin Bus Stop
502 Park Ave, Moosomin, Saskatchewan, Canada S0G 3N0
Our stop is in front of Esso Gas Station at 502 Park Ave.
Get Directions
Moosomin Bus Stop PageBlocks.web.contentComponents.stationImages.outsideVisionFromStreet
Outside Vision From Street - Moosomin Bus Stop
Moosomin G.busStation G.mapScreenshot
Map Position Moosomin Bus Stop
Destination Bus Stop
2820 B Avonhurst Dr., Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada S4R 3J5
2820 B Avonhurst Dr.
Get Directions
Regina Bus Stop PageBlocks.web.contentComponents.stationImages.outsideVisionFromStreet
Outside Vision From Street - Regina Bus Stop
Regina G.busStation G.mapScreenshot
Map Position Regina Bus Stop
Rider Express Call Center

Reviews For Bus from Moosomin to Regina

All Reviews
Average Rating
Review StarReview StarReview StarReview StarReview Star  5/5
Winnipeg East to Virden
Driving was stunning with such as a kind driver, Thanks , Regards
Trip Date: 2024-09-21 11:30 pm
Review StarReview StarReview StarReview StarReview Star  5/5
Winnipeg East to Regina
Nice and smooth trip. Driver was very cooperated.
Trip Date: 2024-08-31 11:30 pm
Review StarReview StarReview StarReview StarReview Empty Star  4/5
Moosomin to Regina
Trip Date: 2024-08-18 03:01 am
Review StarReview StarReview StarReview StarReview Star  5/5
Winnipeg to Virden
I really can’t say enough about the Excellent experience I had during this trip on an extremely cold night . This bus driver was very professional and went out of his way to help me as I was travelling with my grandson who is a baby . I’m very grateful and thankful to arrive safely. On a side note … at the bus station there was abit of an episode where the police had to be called . The manager was really calm and handled the incident professionally. Many Thanks 🙏
Trip Date: 2024-01-13 10:30 pm
These reviews are from real passengers only. You can also send review for your trip. Find your custom review link on the ticket pdf file.

Accepted Payment Methods For Bus Ticket

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