Our bus station is located at 1731 Mountain Ave, Canmore, Alberta, T1W 2W1 .
There can be multiple ways to travel to Canmore. Travelling to Canmore with Rider Express by bus is the most affordable and comfortable way. Save money while you are travelling with our cheap bus tickets and make a comfortable travel with the amenities of our buses like power outlet and wifi on the bus. Also you will make a good impact on environment by using a our environmentally friendly bus service. Using your own vehicle for a long travel will produce unnecessary carbon footprint of yours and also additional traffic on the roads. So we encourage everyone use a bus for travels to make a positive impact on both environment and traffic.
You can book your Rider Express bus ticket from any possible city to Canmore by 4 options;
Rider Express has 1 bus stop(s) in Canmore, Alberta.
Our bus station(s) in Canmore, Alberta are listed below;
We offer coach bus services to cities and towns throughout Alberta and beyond in Canada from Canmore bus station and other bus stations listed above.
Bus pickup address at Canmore | 1731 Mountain Ave, Canmore, Alberta, Canada, T1W 2W1 By the PETRO-CANADA GAS STATION |
Timezone | America/Edmonton |
Coordinates | Lat: 51.09638 Lon: -115.35580 |