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Our stop is at Esso Gas station (SK-20 Hwy 20)
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Lumsden - Esso Bus Station

Our bus station is located at SK-20 Hwy 20, Lumsden, Saskatchewan, S0G 3C0.


Frequently Asked Questions


What is the best way to get to Lumsden - Esso?

There can be multiple ways to travel to Lumsden - Esso. Travelling to Lumsden - Esso with Rider Express by bus is the most affordable and comfortable way. Save money while you are travelling with our cheap bus tickets and make a comfortable travel with the amenities of our buses like power outlet and wifi on the bus. Also you will make a good impact on environment by using a our environmentally friendly bus service. Using your own vehicle for a long travel will produce unnecessary carbon footprint of yours and also additional traffic on the roads. So we encourage everyone use a bus for travels to make a positive impact on both environment and traffic.


How do I buy a bus ticket to another city from Lumsden - Esso?

You can book your Rider Express bus ticket from any possible city to Lumsden - Esso by 4 options;


How many bus stations does Rider Express have in Lumsden, Saskatchewan?

Rider Express has 1 bus stop(s) in Lumsden, Saskatchewan.

Our bus station(s) in Lumsden, Saskatchewan are listed below;

We offer coach bus services to cities and towns throughout Saskatchewan and beyond in Canada from Lumsden - Esso bus station and other bus stations listed above.


Destinations From Lumsden - Esso with Rider Express

With Rider Express, you can travel to 33 locations from Lumsden - Esso by Bus. You can find the list of the travel destinations below.
Click any of the links below and see more details about your travel from Lumsden - Esso to your destination city.
Bus pickup address at Lumsden - Esso SK-20 Hwy 20, Lumsden, Saskatchewan, Canada, S0G 3C0
Our stop is at Esso Gas station (SK-20 Hwy 20)
CoordinatesLat: 50.654049 Lon: -104.865358
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